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Top 5 Contact Lens Mistakes

Top 5 Contact Lens Mistakes Are you making these mistakes that may increase the chances of you having eye infections? Learn how to avoid them 1 by 1 from this short article! 1) Wearing Your Lenses Past Expiry Research shows that 42% of contact lens users wear longer than they are supposed to. The reason why contact lenses are clarified as Monthly  and Daily is simply because they are meant to be worn for that prescribed period of time. Too long of a usage increases the chance of dirt building up regardless of how thorough you clean your lenses. These residues might end up causing eye infections that will cost you more than a fresh pair of lenses! So next time, don't try to stretch the life...

What to know about Contact Lenses?

What to know about Contact Lenses? As compared to the past, there are so many brands, types and models of contact lenses to choose from now. It is definitely not easy to decide on one if you are new to contact lenses and contact lenses are subjective since no two eyes are the same. The easiest way to resolve this problem, is to go to your optometrist for an eye examination to find out your prescription, the type of contact lenses which suit you and the fitting of contact lenses because if contact lenses don’t fit properly (too tight or too loose) they can scratch the cornea, which can cause serious vision problem or even blindness. It is recommended to return to your optometrist after...

Fear of Wearing Contact Lenses?

Fear of Wearing Contact Lenses? Are you afraid of putting on contact lenses? Just the thought of putting a foreign object into your eyes make them shut tight? Don't worry, you are definitely not alone. Let me share with you how blogger Cassandra (otherwise known as Cassansaurus) overcame that same fear and she is enjoying the convenience contact lenses have brought to her now. Being someone who has depended on glasses for years and doesn't like wearing them, Cassandra has always wanted to try contact lenses. However, her fear and worries were too overwhelming. Cassandra was lucky to meet me (a little boost in confidence here) who used to be in the same flight. I decided to share my experience with her over a couple...